Carlos Amat y Leon

Universidad del Pacifico

Carlos Amat y León is a Peruvian agronomist, economist and politician. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, and a Masters in Economics from the University of Iowa and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he also obtained his Ph.D. His long career in development policy include tenures as research director of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (1974-1978), Advisor to the Cartagena Agreement for Technological Development in Food (1980-1982), as well as other Advisory positions at UNICEF (1986),  IICA (1989-1990), IADB and the World Bank. He has been Minister of Agriculture on two separate occasions: 1990 and 2000-2001, and was appointed Dean of the School of Economics at Universidad del Pacifico, where he still teaches to this day.

Mr. Amat y Leon moderated Panel 1: The Main Challenges for Food and Nutrition Security at the Agrobiodiversity Symposium on Day 2 of the Food Forever Experience Cusco.

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