
Organizations championing food diversity

  • Nordic Food Policy Lab

    Nordic Food Policy Lab: of the Nordic Council of Ministries is a flagship project under the ”Nordic Solutions to Global Challenges” initiative, launched by the five prime ministers of the Nordic countries in 2017. Nordic Food Policy Lab aims to create international exchange on innovative policies encouraging consumers to choose more sustainable food. Through global partnerships, Nordic Food Policy Lab curates and disseminates examples of Nordic food policy for health and sustainability that can help inspire action to achieve the UN Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Oak Spring Garden Foundation (OSGF)

    A foundation dedicated to sharing the gifts and ideas of Rachel “Bunny” Mellon. Its mission is to support and inspire fresh thinking and bold action on the history and future of plants, including the art and culture of plants, gardens and landscapes.

  • Oxfam Novib

    A worldwide development organization set out to tackle the injustices that cause and perpetuate poverty, including through projects like the Sowing Diversity = Harvesting Security project to empower people to manage biodiversity in the context of adapting to climate change.

  • SDG2 Advocacy Hub

    The SDG2 Advocacy Hub brings together NGOs, civil society, the private sector and UN agencies to coordinate advocacy efforts for SDG2: end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture by 2030. With 17 Sustainable Development Goals to achieve by 2030, the Hub offers a new game plan that engages a large group of diverse actors and leverages disruptive voices to drive impact on SDG2.

  • Syngenta Foundation

    A non-profit organization established by Syngenta with a focus on pre-commercial farmers. They focus on: agriservices, risk management and financial inclusion, access to seeds and research and development to create value for small farmers in developing countries through innovation in sustainable agriculture.

  • The Crop Trust

    The Crop Trust is an international organization that is working to support crop conservation in seed banks, forever. It supports international seed banks, national seed banks and the world’s backup facility, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. The Crop Trust allocates funds to support seed banks through its endowment fund – a self-sustaining fund that generates investment income to support crop conservation. The Crop Trust is recognized as an essential element of the funding strategy of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.

  • The Livestock Conservancy

    The Livestock Conservancy is a national non-profit dedicated to the conservation of endangered breeds of livestock and poultry. As guardians of genetic diversity, the organization has helped  prevent extinctions, expanded populations, educated beginning farmers, and assisted breeders in establishing new markets for their products. Livestock Conservancy programs help farmers and breed organizations maintain the long-term viability and sustainability of endangered breeds.

  • The Ministry of Agriculture in Costa Rica

    The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock promotes the development of technical skills and business management for competitiveness, equity and social, economic and environmental sustainability of organizations and companies in the agricultural sector in Costa Rica.

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